Apparently, this March 29 has been set aside by the global warming (or is it "climate change") alarmists for the "Earth Hour". The plan, as I understand it, is for everyone to turn off their lights for one hour (from 8-9 pm) to symbolize that we all can make a difference (if you want to read more, you can read it
Of course, turning off our lights for an hour does nothing of the sort. Moving out of the city, and choosing to live without electricity, farming instead of purchasing; these might make a difference. But probably not, as China, India, and some day Africa will more than happily use the resources you give up.
Besides, I am convinced that this is all alarmist hoo-hah. So I propose a different action during Earth Hour. I am going to turn on all the lights at my house, run whatever climate control system is appropriate at maximum comfort levels, and generally use as many resources as I can. My point is to show that one hour of behavior modification is meaningless. No one will notice my action, just like the actions of all the Earth Hour sillies will go unnoticed.
Anyone want to join me?